The automobile industry is a pillar industry of the Chinese economic security of relation. After China joins WTO, as opening degree and world economic integration the market participate in the intensification of the degree, the Chinese automobile market will become a part of the automobile market of the world.The automobile industry will face the international competition directly.However, autoumobile industry and powerful country of the automobile, such as American, Japan and Korea S etc of our country compare, disparity is still very great.It is Chinese automobile industry that have low economic scale and it is low concentration degree, low productivity ratios and specialized levels, marketing way and marketing system inperfect, R&D ability weak, demand structure very rational, restrict consuming etc, which is more facters unfavorable factor.So, the Chinese automobile industry can only be put under the ranks of the immature industry.How to make of our country get strong industry automobiles, enough to resist the impact of the big automobile trans-corporation of the world, which is the greatest subject that an automobile industry of our country faces.There are a kind of powerhouse’s the stronger trends in the auto industry, only possess the essential objective condition good at utilizing the favorable opportunity, could make last success, to choose the correct country developing strategically.The 16~th National Congress of the party making great decision that is revitalizing machinery, automobile industry to make it become the pillar industry of national economy, has established the strategic position during our country’s economic development of auto industry .There is a propose too in the plan of the auto jindustry in the 10th five years:Face joining WTO, the auto industry of our country should insist on the road that is putting combined with opening &competition and independent development , adjusting industrial structure energetically, promoting the excellent strong enterprise accelerating development, improving the whole quality of the trade , strengthening the international competitiveness, striving to become the pillar industry of national economy by 2010.As to our country , carry on the industry to organize rationalization adjusting, auto industry technological innovation made tostructure , optimize the link of serving and make to the scientific talent strategically etc, which is important and urgent apparently.The paper contains five parts: the first one mainly illustrates the purpose, meaning and content of the title; the second one discusses the relationship between car industry and economy of our country; the third one tells about the recent situation of Chinese modern car industry and its policies; In part four, first start from introducing the experience of developing car industry of japan and korea, then come to the proper way of ourselves’. In part five, it is the list of serval suggestions and prospects of car industry based on the analysis of the above material.